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  2. デザイン事例を探す [ 事例一覧 ]
  3. 調剤薬局ゴダイ
KTX archiLAB
兵庫県姫路市船丘町298-2 日新ビル2F



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店舗概要 調剤薬局ゴダイのHPへ

  • 兵庫県姫路市
  • 御着駅
  • 調剤薬局
  • 45 坪
  • 建築から設計




総合病院に隣接する 調剤薬局 の新築計画でした。
商環境を 設計 する際、「その施設がどのようなプロセスで消費者に選ばれるのか」これを読み解くことが 設計 のスタート地点となります。地理的要件を除けば、数ある 薬局 から選ばれる 薬局 とはどのようなものなのか、その答えは消費者が調剤薬局に求めるものの本質は何か、という考察の先にあります。

In Japan, two major types of pharmacies can be found. The first is the drug store, or what can be described as retail pharmacies. This type offers services related to basic medicines as well as parapharmaceutical products. The second type is the dispensing pharmacies, usually related to a nearby clinic or hospital. In this type of pharmacies, the products are prepared in the backyard after the customer presents prescription issued by his doctor. Once prepared, the pharmacist has to explain to the customer about the prescription.
This dispensing pharmacy is located nearby a general hospital and owned by its president. The Idea behind this pharmacy is to promote the hospital by giving it a new image as it is subject to a strong competitiveness.
調剤薬局 を訪れる目的は薬を買うことです。つまり消費者は病気や傷に対する「癒し」を求めて 薬局 を訪れます。医療関係機関の 設計 において、度々話題に上るキーワードが「癒し」です。「癒し」といえば「自然」、室内に植栽を置きしましょう、壁に木を使いましょう、というような自然を生かした癒しへと傾きがちです。それも確かに癒しの一要素ですが、人が医療に求めている「癒し」とは、本来違うベクトルの先にあるものと私たちは捉えています。

The starting point of this design was to question the criteria that customers use to select a pharmacy, beside the geographical location. What would make a pharmacy better than another one? The purpose of visiting a pharmacy is the same, purchasing medicines and seeking healing.
The keyword for medical related design is healing, commonly associated with peaceful nature. Subsequently, this type of design traditionally tries to incorporate natural elements like trees, green walls and flowers.
Nature is undoubtedly a source of healing, nonetheless, the simple fact of coming to a medical institution lays on the trust that the patient puts on modern medicine. The more advanced medicine is the more trustworthy it becomes; true peace of mind is reached when the medical care is at its “Cutting Edge”.
病気を患い、薬を買いに来る人にとっての癒しは文字通り「体を癒す」ということです。ここで重要なのは薬に対する期待値です。この 処方箋薬局 で処方された薬に対する信頼感から生まれる「安心」が、治癒への期待値となり、患者の潜在意識における「癒し」へとつながります。例えばごく普通の 薬局 で処方された薬と、最先端の研究所のような 施設 から出された薬、どちらが効きそうな気がするか、ということです。「病は気から」と言いますが、まさに「そんな気がする」という心理が大きく患者の潜在意識に影響します。そこでこのプロジェクトでは「最先端の高度な医療」それをイメージさせるデザインをコンセプトに設計を進めました。

The pharmacy is situated along one of the most important streets in the region. The facade is totally glazed and contoured by protracted sharp edges. The edges are also projected into the minimalist white interior demarcated by a black cross. The vertical line of the cross is the gate towards the backyard where the prescriptions are prepared. The horizontal line is a console for exhibiting key products. The entrance is on the left side of the building in the direction of the hospital liberating the glazed facade from unnecessary additional lines. This minimalistic space designed in clean straight lines and enhanced with indirect lighting slits creates the High-Tech sharp image that the patient expects from an advanced medical care.

Additionally to the appearance, the quality of service is a major criterion for selecting a dispensing pharmacy, and this is not without affecting the design. Traditionally, the patient handles his prescription at the reception counter; the pharmacist will then prepare the medicines in the backyard whilst the patient is sitting in the waiting space. Once done, the patient will be called again to the counter to get explanations about the prescription. This pharmacy differs in that the patient will not be called to the counter again. Instead, the pharmacist will meet him at his waiting space furnished in chairs and tables. These small attentions can make a big difference by providing an image of High Quality services inducing the process of healing.


KTX archiLAB
(クリップ済) 一覧へ
所在地 兵庫県姫路市船丘町298-2 日新ビル2F
担当者 松本哲哉
業種・業態 店舗デザイン/建築設計/施工
建築設計 可能 スタッフ数 9人
資格・許認可 一級建築士事務所


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